Home > Extra Credit > And they’re off!

And they’re off!

Tonight there is a debate for the Mayoral election on NY1. The debate is at 7p.m. tonight. You will get extra credit points if you watch it and fill this chart out:

Mayoral Election    
Questions (Write them) Thompson’s Answer Bloomberg’s Answer

Mayoral Election–> this is a word file for you to upload if you prefer.

You can post your answers right here on the blog.

Categories: Extra Credit
  1. Andrea R.
    October 17, 2009 at 6:39 pm

    Mayoral Election
    1. Have you ever had a manicure or pedicure?
    Thompson’s Answer: Not recently, but yes.
    Bloomberg’s Answer: No.
    2. Why are you spending so much money attacking Mr. Thompson/Mike Bloomberg? Bloomberg’s Answer: “Well I’m not attacking Mr. Thompson. I’m trying to set the record straight. I’m trying to tell all the people what we’ve done and to correct the statements of my opponent when he puts out statements that aren’t correct…” Thompson’s Answer: “I think that I’ve spent my time campaigning, trying to point out the legitimate differences between Mike Bloomberg and myself. That’s what I’ve attempted to do…”
    3. How much do you really think that voters should take the term limit question into account compared to the mayor’s record?
    Bloombergs Answer: “We all know that we gave a very difficult time here with the recession and a lot of my friends came to me and people that I didn’t even know and asked me to run again and I thought, you know in the end in November 3rd were going to vote on what really matters…”
    Thompson’s Answer: “For seven years Mike Bloomberg promised the voters of New York City that under no circumstance would he try and avoid the public by changing term limits, it’s as simple as that. I think his phrase was, it would be disgraceful to go around the people of New York City and go to the city council and change term limits and in the end when self interest called, he did just that…”
    4. Why are Latinos so underrepresented in your office after eight years?
    Bloombergs Answer: “I would consider everybody. I’ve never thought ethnicity mattered. That would not be things that I would think about. We’ll look for the best person the way I’ve always done. We’ll conduct a national search…”
    Thompson’s Answer: “Latinos have been well represented in my office. If you look over the eight years that I’ve been there, Latinos have been chief investment officer, have been executive deputy controller…Within my office Latinos occupy a high number of high positions in my office…”

  2. Andrea R.
    October 17, 2009 at 5:48 pm
  3. Melissa V.
    October 13, 2009 at 8:56 pm

    Why is my icon so damn ugly? -____- Did you pick them Ms. Sued? Is that what I look like to you on a daily basis?

  4. Melissa V.
    October 13, 2009 at 8:55 pm

    Ms. Sued, I just checked the blog updates, I was doing other homeworks. Do you have any other extra credit you can give me?

  5. Jennifer B.
    October 13, 2009 at 7:49 pm

    what if you don’t NY1

    • October 13, 2009 at 10:35 pm

      Then you’re out of luck. Try finding the debate online, it might be available. If you find it, please post it here on the blog.

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